جامعة الخليل - برنامج تكنولوجيا المعلومات وادارة الانظمة

كلية الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي

وصف المساقات

T1711   Strategic Planning for Information Systems

This curricular unit aims to understanding strategy, strategic models and know how to define strategic plans for Information Systems in dynamic and complex environments. Students are intended to achieve deep knowledge related to the management activities of the organization's information systems portfolio, covering the planning, development and exploitation stages, in an integrated life cycle management perspective. It is intended that the student understands the nature of the different typologies of systems suitable for each context, analyzing them in terms of effectiveness, value and benefits for the organization, in order to adapt the methodologies of development and acquisition, implementation and maintenance. This curricular unit also presents the relevance of the maturity of information

T1712   Systems and Technologies  2.0

This curricular unit aims to discuss the concepts, principles, techniques, and methods of systems and technologies 2.0 and how to exploit these technologies in business and organization management. Learners is intended to achieve deep understanding of Web 2.0 technologies in which content is created, shared, remixed, repurposed, and passed along. Learners will also explore web 2.0 applications (e. g., Blogs, Wikis, Social Networks, Social Bookmarks, Podcasts, RSS Feeds, Photo Sharing) and other Web 2.0 technologies and analyze their benefits in managing businesses and government institutions.

T1713   Data communication Networks and Security

Students should acquire deep knowledge about computer networks and problems related to Data Communications and Security between computers in a network; analyze ways of planning, installing and configuring computer networks, as well as the protocols necessary for their correct functioning; address concepts of unified networks and performance optimization. In addition, students identify the main vulnerabilities and threats to the information flow between network computers, as well as the most adequate counter measures.

T1716    Advance Statistics and Research Methods

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the necessary competences, in order to develop a master thesis based on quantitative methods such as Basic notions of descriptive statistics Population and sample, Frequencies table, Graphic representation of data, Localization parameters, Dispersion parameters, Symmetry parameters, Curtose measures, and Applications with SPSS. students will understand correlation and Linear Regression. Graphic representation – dispersion diagram. Covariance and correlation Simple linear regression models. Besides, the course will establish the foundations of research methodologies by exploring critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. The course introduces the methods of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches.

T1717    Information Systems Acquisition, Evaluation, and Development          

The course will give students an introduction to the models for obtaining new information technologies and systems and evaluating Information systems items. Besides explaining the methods and processes for developing information systems such as SSM,  SSADM, and Scrum, benefits and associated risks related to these methods and the applicability of the appropriate evaluation model Competences are also discussed. Methods and processes for acquiring information systems like IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition, and CMMI® Acquisition Module(CMMI-AM) are also covered. The advantages and risks of the methods presented are discussed as well

 T1724     Informatics Project Management

This curricular unit aims to introduce the fundamental principles related to Software Project Engineering; Provide future professionals with a set of rules, methods and tools essential to an effective conduct during the execution of software development projects; Have a global perspective of the software process (life cycle); Know how to specify and document a software development project; Know how to apply notations and software modeling languages; Conceive, specify and develop a software project..

T1733     Procurement Support Information Systems

Organizations are able to create value on the basis of the effectiveness and efficiency of their activities, especially sales, production and procurement. The main objective of this curricular unit is to Understand the inherent issues of the purchasing function; Acquire knowledge to a successful implementation of e-procurement systems; Understand the principles of E-Commerce and Electronic Data Interchange.

T1735       Information Systems Implementation and Change

The main objective of this curricular unit is provide students with knowledge that will allow them to fit Information Systems Management into the company's strategy, with emphasis on governance, planning and implementation aspects; Apply reference models, good practices and methodologies that allow analyzing maturity, making investment decisions and organizing IT services, with a view to optimizing the selection, implementation and performance evaluation of information systems in the organization; Know how to manage the organization's information systems portfolio, from an integrated lifecycle management perspective, characterizing the opportunity, potential and risk of projects; Know how to select and apply governance, investment assessment, change management and IT service management standards.

T1738     Decision Support Systems

The main objective of this curricular unit is to enable students to know the aspects inherent to information in the decision-making process; understand the historical evolution of SSDs; Know techniques and technologies associated with SSD; knowing how to identify the main techniques and technologies associated with SSD; knowing how to model data structures; knowing how to identify SSD techniques and technologies in an organizational context; Explore algorithms in new situations.

T1740      Thesis

Intended learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

Students must show sufficient knowledge and ability to write a dissertation of scientific nature that is original and specifically created in order to achieve the academic degree of master. The written dissertation must be of good quality, contribute to the advance of scientific knowledge in its area of study and be worthy of the approval of a specifically appointed committee, according to legal stipulations, that will evaluate the thesis and discuss it with the author.


Elective Courses

T1714      Economics for Managers

The course aims to deepening the knowledge and the capacities of students for the exercise of complex and demanding activities of management and taking decision into an economic environment of uncertainty, looking for to minimize the inherent risk through of a global understanding of the macro economic reality; knowledge of the results of the macroeconomics instruments for the business ;development of abilities and capabilities of this UC that enable students to apply the knowledge acquired in taking decision into an uncertainty environment with insufficient information; to obtain an articulate knowledge of different forms of economic indicators.

T1732     Process Mining

Process mining is the cohabitation between process modeling and data oriented analysis. The main goal of this course is to enable students to data patterns and data metamorphoses to construct process models and automate workflows. The usage of BPMN 2.0 to model and describe the processes will promote the implementation in different scenarios and the simulation of the workflows. The approach starting from data to the processes will empower the information system analyst with new methods and technologies to develop systems more synchronized with the reality of the requirements of the organizations

T1725      Advanced Topics in Information Technology

This course aims to provide students with hot topics in emerging technologies, part of the course will be held as seminars and coursework of these topics.

T1734     Information Mining in Social web

The main objective of this course is to enable students to understand how the different techniques of mining information on the Social Web can provide competitive advantage to companies from diverse business areas, this includes presenting the concepts related to mining information on the Social Web, techniques of opinion mining, and techniques to evaluate and extract information generated by users of the social web

T1723       Methods of Negotiation

People and organizations are often involved in negotiations, whether to resolve disputes or to allocate resources. This course offers a structured perspective on conducting negotiations, combining theoretical presentations, practical cases and negotiation exercises. Students will learn the concepts and models of trading and negotiation and reveal its importance for the management of organizations are presented. Models and methods that can be used in general management, departmental and   product, negotiation processes.

In the end, students should understand what is negotiation, as can be applied, specifically, in organizations and how information and communication technologies can contribute to a more effective negotiation. Also, should know main important research options in this area of knowledge.

T1726       Data Analysis for Business

This course prepares students to lead in analytics-driven organizations. Students will explore the capabilities and challenges of data-driven business decision making. The course will include hands-on work with data and software. Topics to be covered include data manipulation, predictive analytics, decisions under uncertainty, and decision analytics tools (linear and nonlinear optimization).

T1727      Geographic Information Systems for Management

The geographic information systems are a set of concepts and techniques transversal to almost all information system. Nowadays every event or physical quantum of data can be geo-referenced and the distribution of values in a spatial perspective is a very important issue to the knowledge construction.

The merging of spatial data with non-spatial data and the relational data bases capable to store all the data and manage it according with a normalized query language like SQL is a very huge step toward the integration of all information systems and Big Data. The main goals of this course are the acquisition of skills to understand, define and develop information systems that use geo-referencing information. Complementary the course explores the data visualization and data analytics in conjunction with spatial data.

T1728     Semantic Intelligence technologies: The future of organizations interoperability

The semantic intelligence techniques are used to extract information from non-structured data, including natural language. The areas of application are many including big data analysis, web crawling and processes automation across different organizations. The main goals are the acquisition of knowledge and train on tools to design semantic web platforms and to develop interoperable interfaces capable to extract and process information written in natural language

T1729       Advanced Topics of Complex Networks

The course provides a comprehensive overview on advanced topics in network protocols and networked systems. The course will examine a wide range of topics including routing, congestion control, network architectures, network management, datacenter networks, software-defined networking, and programmable networks, with an emphasis on core networking concepts and principles and their usage in practice.


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