Hebron University - Environmental Sciences & Technology Department

Course Description

43101   General Chemistry I

This is a basic course dealing with matter properties and measurements, atoms and atomic theory, chemical compounds, reactions in aqueous solutions, gases, thermochemistry and electrons in atoms. 

43102   General Chemistry II

This course includes study of the periodic table, chemical bonding, intermolecular forces, chemical equilibrium, rates of reactions and chemistry of acids and basis 

43105   General Chemistry I Lab

This is a basic practical course which includes measurements, physical and chemical properties, empirical formula, hydration number, titration and antacid measurement.

43107   General Chemistry II Lab

This course includes experiments related to pH and acidity, limiting reactants, molar mass determination, preparation of standard solutions, vinegar and vitamin C analysis, and calorimetry.  

43211  Analytical Chemistry I This course examines the statistical treatment of analytical data, gravimetric and volumetric methods of analysis, types of titrations (acid-base, complex formation, oxidation-reduction), calculation of equilibrium constants, and acid-base equilibria.  

43217   Analytical Chemistry Lab.

In this course, students conduct experiments related to subjects discussed in course 43211.

43221   Inorganic Chemistry I

This course discusses atomic structure and the periodic table, chemical bonds, chemical and physical properties of elements, a detailed study of groups I, II, VII, and VIII, acids and bases, and the chemistry of hydrogen and hydride.  

43231   Organic Chemistry I

This is an introduction to organic chemistry. The course discusses the relationship between the structure of organic compounds and their physical and chemical properties. It includes the study of a number of organic reactions such as substitution, elimination, and addition. An introduction to stereochemistry is also included.  

43232   Organic Chemistry II

This is a continuation of course 43231 and deals with a number of functional groups in addition to various types of spectroscopic techniques.  

43234   Organic Chemistry for General Science 

This course offers a brief and comprehensive study of organic compounds according to their functional group. This includes aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, phenols, alky halides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines, and optical and geometrical isomerism. 

43235    Organic Chemistry I Lab.

In this course, students conduct experiments related to preparation and purification of organic compounds and characterization of some organic compounds from their physical and chemical properties. 

43237    Organic Chemistry II Lab.

This course examines synthesis and identification of some organic compounds, including multi-step synthesis.

43241    Physical Chemistry I

This course discusses properties of gases, the equation of state, thermodynamic laws and their applications, phase diagrams of pure substances and mixtures and chemical equilibrium.  

43312   Analytical Chemistry II

This course treats separation methods, including extraction and gas and liquid chromatography, and spectroscopic methods of analysis 

43322 Inorganic Chemistry II

This course offers a detailed study of groups III to VI, coordination chemistry and chemistry of organometallic compounds. 

43333   Organic Chemistry III

This is a continuation of 43232, in which more functional groups are studies, in addition to the chemistry of carbanion and unsaturated carbonyl compounds. 

43334   Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds

This is a theoretical and practical course in which “unknown” organic compounds are identified following a systematic procedure according to their functional groups. 

43342    Physical Chemistry II This course examines rates and order of reactions, collision theory and activated complex theory, physical properties of solid surfaces, adsorption, catalysis, and molecules in motion.

43347    Physical Chemistry Lab. This course treats heat of neutralization, equilibrium dissociation of methyl red, partial molar volume, phase diagram of three component system, conductance of solution, adsorption, surface tension, chemical kinetics, and cryoscopy.  

43351    Introduction to Industrial Chemistry

This curse studies the chemical aspects of glass, soap, detergent, paints, polishes, ceramic, cement, dyes, and leather-tanning industries. It includes methods of separation of products and the importance of chemistry in the development of industry. The course requires several visits to factories in the region.  

43358    Introduction to Polymer Chemistry

This course offers an introduction to, and definitions and classification of polymers, mechanism and kinetics of polymerization, molecular mass determination of polymers, and the physical properties and applications of some commercial polymers.  

43371   Introduction to Environmental Chemistry

This course examines the origins, elements, chemical evolution, energy, atmosphere, water, chemical pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere 

43413   Instrumental Methods of Analysis

The course combines the theoretical background and application of spectroscopic methods of analysis (visible, UV, IR, Raman), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), emission spectroscopy and EPR 

43423   Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

This course offers a comprehensive study of transition elements, Lanthanides, Actinides, chemistry of non-aqueous solvents, cyclic inorganic compounds. 

43424   Physical Inorganic Chemistry This course examines the definition of symmetry, its elements and operations, determination of point group for different chemical compounds, and application of symmetry in the determination of the structure of compounds using different spectroscopic methods.  

43425    Inorganic Chemistry Lab.

This practical course includes synthesis and characterization of several simple and complex inorganic compounds. 

43436    Advanced Organic Chemistry

The content of this course may vary according to the interest of the lecturer or department requirement, and may include such topics as chemistry of natural compounds, kinetics and mechanism of some important organic reactions, free radical chemistry, and hetero-cyclic systems.  

43443    Physical Chemistry III

This course examines theories of quantum mechanics, mathematical techniques, the application of quantum theory to atomic and molecular hydrogen, hydrogen-like atoms and diatomic compounds, in addition to the study of different types of spectroscopy.

43444    Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics

This course introduces fundamental principles and methods of statistical mechanics, specific heat of solids and gases, chemical equilibrium, and state equations for gases liquids and solids.

43451   Paper and Leather Chemistry

This course treats the fundamental components of paper and methods of its preparation, leather tanning and the developments in these industries. 

43461   Radiochemistry

Radioactive decay, nuclear reactions, nuclear energy and its sources, types of nuclear energy and their applications, radiochemical methods of analysis 

43461   Special Topics in chemistry

The topics for this course are selected by the Department.

43491    Seminar

Each student conducts a brief seminar about a topic of current interest.

43492    Methods of Scientific Research 

The course is offered to fourth-year students and involves a literature survey on a topic of interest. An assigned department committee examines the student search.   

43201    General Chemistry III

This course examines solubility and complex ion equiliberia, thermodynamic relationships and spontaneous changes, complex ions and coordination compounds, organic compounds and their nomenclature and classifications, and main group elements and transition elements. 

43205    General Chemistry III Lab

In this course, students conduct experiments related to chemical equilibrium, determination of boiling points and melting points, mixtures and their separation and purification, identification of organic compounds by chemical tests, ionic reactions and conductivity, identification of selected anions, isolation of caffeine, and preparation of an ester. 

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