Hebron University - Conference:Towards better utilization of non-conventional feed sources for small ruminants in Palestine

Conference:Towards better utilization of non-conventional feed sources for small ruminants in Palestine

In cooperation with Hebron University (HU), Action Against Hunger (ACF) inpartnership with ADWAR and Land Research Centre (LRC) within the EU-funded project: ''Promotion of the local democracy and economic activity through the reinforcement of Palestinian Non State Actors (NSA)'‘ cordially invites you to attend the conference:

Towards better utilization of non-conventional feed sources for small ruminants in Palestine

Venue:Hebron University / Martyr Yasser Arafat building , Hall # 3

Time: Wednesday 6thApril  [ 9:00 AM- 15:00 PM ]

* Kindly confirm your attendance by 2ndof April 2016 by replying to this email or by phone: 02 225444,or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Mobile : 0595 944 225

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