Hebron University - Medical Biophysics Department

Mission & Objectives


The department is to seek creativity and distinction in education and research in biomedical physics by following the scientific methods and featured qualitative research in modern medical labs supervised by experienced academic staff to qualify specialist in Biomedical physics with high scientific and technical skills to improve and meet the needs of Palestinian community.

The department aims to achieve the followings:

  • Provide responsible academic interaction and to pay attention to quality of students
  • Serve the community through public service
  • Developing the research skills and scientific thinking through the participation and interaction between students and faculty members.
  • Preparing the graduate students who can compete in the field of work after graduation
  • Offering specialized courses in the field of biomedical physics for various departments of the university according to their needs
  • Organizing conferences, seminars and workshops; to increase the scientific contacts between academics and professionals in various scientific fields, and exchanging experiences and points of view among the participants
  • Activating the scientific research of the department members and developing the creativity of students in the scientific, medical, biological, health and environmental fields.
  • Providing the local community with its needs from qualified graduates in the field of biomedical physics who are expected to work as medical physicists in hospitals and medical centers, teachers, or supervisors in laboratories, scientific centers, or centers for preserving the environmental and radiation energy


  • Building and qualifying an integrated scientific department based on outstanding scientific experiments that harmonizes with the Palestinian local needs, and meet the needs of medical and scientific institutions, and follow scientific methods that keep abreast of competing similar departments in the Arab and international universities.
  • Provide the best forms of university education in medical and biophysics, and train students to develop their scientific and practical skills abilities in using modern technologies in the fields of medical, educational and scientific research to keep up with the latest developments in medical sciences.

Special goals

The program aims to prepare students who:

  • Can do medical, environmental and health research and studies that deal with problems related to radiation energy
  • Aware of medical, environmental and health fields related to radiation and radiation protection
  • Has the ability and knowledge in radiotherapy, and how to make use of radiation energy in the medical fields
  • Has the ability to deal with modern medical technologies used in radiotherapy and imaging
  • Has the ability to use computers and computer programs in the programming of imaging and radiotherapy
  • Has the knowledge of environmental and health media affairs and awareness programs that many donors are interested in, especially radiation pollution and radiation leakage, whether from medical and other devices or from nature
  • Has the ability to prepare environmental impact assessment reports
  • Has the ability to teach in schools and specialized institutions
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