Hebron University - Medical Biophysics Department

Opportunities for Graduates

  • The medical physicist has an important role in hospitals and medical centers and is a very important and participative part of developing a treatment plan for the patient with the rest of the medical staff, especially in cases of radiotherapy and in the calibration of radiation imaging devices
  • An employee in the ministries and institutions concerned with health, environment, energy, radiation measurements and radiation protection
  • An employee in scientific research and studies centers, laboratories and research centers in universities
  • Environmental and health information affairs and awareness programs that many donors are interested in, especially radiation pollution and radioactive leakage, whether from medical devices and other sources of natural and industrial radioactive pollution
  • Consulting companies working in the fields of medicine, environment, radiation and fields of preparing environmental impact assessment reports, which is one of the requirements for licensing new industries and which deals with radioactive pollution
  • Teaching in schools and higher education, institutions and centers related to the program
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