Medical Biophysics Department
Course Description
41101 Calculus (1)
This course reviews the concepts of functions, limits, continuity and derivatives, tangent and normal lines, local extreme, concavity, related rates, vertical and horizontal asymptotes, the mean value theorem of differentiation and its applications, the definite integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, the indefinite integral, applications of the definite integral, and area.
42104 General Physics
This course covers a number of topics: units and dimensions; vectors, motion in one and two dimensions, forces and laws of motion; work and energy; fluids, pressure, current and resistance, ohms law, magnetic forces, vibrations and wave motion (in terms of description) sound waves, nuclear physics and radiation.
43104 General Chemistry
Measurements and significant figures, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, the gaseous state, thermochemistry , electronic structure and periodicity, chemical bonding, molecular shapes, states of matter and intermolecular forces, physical properties of solutions, principles of equilibrium.
43108 General Chemistry Lab
The course includes experiments dealing with the following topics, safety and laboratory rules, chemical observations, stoicioetry, volumetric analysis, oxidation and reduction, colligative properties, thermochemistry and equilibrium.
44101 General Biology (1)
Internal structure of the cell. Molecules of the cell. Metabolism-respiration and photosynthesis, cell- cell signaling, cell division, Mendelian inheritance, molecular biology of the gene, DNA technology, chemical signals in plants and animals, phylogeny and systematic introduction to ecosystematics and to ecosystems.
44105 General Biology Lab (1)
Laboratory experiments in microscopy and cells, chemical aspects of cells, plant and animal tissues, animal and plant physiology. Mammalian anatomy, and systematic of major living groups.
81111 Organic Chemistry
Alkanes and cycloakanes, alkenes and alkynes , stereochemistry, common organic reactions, substitution, addition, elimination, alcohols, ethers, conjugated systems.
81113 Organic Chemistry Lab
Practical introduction to the principles of organic chemistry techniques which include: melting point, boiling point, solubility, re-crystallization, refractive index, and specific angle of rotation for optically active compounds. Also this course includes the Isolation of drugs from their natural sources, by means of extraction, steam distillation, chromatography...est. In addition to, identification of alcohols, aldehydes & ketones. Synthesis of one familiar drug (Aspirin) will be carried out as well.
81221 Analytical Chemistry
Discusses various analytical methods used in drug analysis in order to identify structure, purity and action, including gravimetric and titrimetric methods of analysis; theory of neutralization; titrations; precipitation titrimetry; complex-formation titrations; theory of molecular absorption spectroscopy; analytical separation by solvent extraction and an introduction to chromatographic methods.
81222 Analytical Chemistry Lab
The practical course is designed for the applications of various analytical methods to substances used in pharmacy and medicine.
83102 Biostatistics
Topics covered in this course include: classification of statistical data and methods of presentation; collection, organization and analysis of data; sampling; techniques in hypothesis; correlation and analysis of variance; simple linear regression, medical and biological applications on all of the above.
84211 Physiology (1)
Correlation of morphological, biochemical and functional organization of the human body as related to normal state. Topics include cell, nerve and muscle, autonomic and central nervous systems, blood and body fluids muscular system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system physiology.
84212 Physiology (2)
Correlation of morphological, biochemical and functional organization of the human body as related to normal state. Topics include: GI system, endocrine system, reproductive systems, renal system, and special topics such as skin, and sensory organs.
84221 Anatomy for Pharmacy
An overview of structure of the human body and tissues and their cooperative role in normal function. Topics include: embryology, blood, nervous, musculoskeletal, skin, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, respiratory, endocrine, and reproductive system
84222 Anatomy and Physiology Lab
This course is a practical overview of human anatomy and physiology (i.e., body structure and function) to emphasize all the topics mentioned in the related theoretical courses. Includes practical study on Human Body Models.
84271 First Aid and Public Health
This course investigates principles of preventive medicine, and public safety; vulnerability to emergency situations; first aid procedures; mother and child health care. The course also discusses communicable diseases, vaccination, and social medicine.
45200 Computer Science For Medical Technology
This course covers topics such as: Introduction to medical computing and health informatics, Data Base Systems using Access, Webpage Design using HTML, Statistical Analysis using Microsoft Excel and SPSS. The course also covers topics in computer science applications in Health care, Medical Education, Medical Visualization and Simulation.
Also, this course includes the usage of outline references related to drugs, diseases, drug-drug interactions, and therapeutics.
41102 Calculus II
This course treats solids of revolutions, volumes using cylindrical shells, disks and washers, arc length and surface area of revolution, the transcendental functions, the general exponential and logarithmic functions, the L-Hopital rule, the hyperbolic functions, the inverse function of the trigonometric and hyperbolic function, techniques of integration, integration by parts, trigonometric substitutions, partial fractions, quadratic expressions, improper integrals, sequences and infinite series, convergence and divergence, positive term series, alternating series, absolute and conditional convergence, power series, and Taylor and Maclaurin series
42109 general physics lab
Experiments including addition if vectors (forces), rectilinear motion, free falling, SHM simple pendulum and spring (Hooke’s law), friction, Archimedes principle, viscosity, resistances and ohms law, Joules heating, variation of resistance with temperature, magnetic field of earth, resistivity and Wheatstone bridge.
42251 Modern Physics
Special relativity, Galileo transformations, Lorentz-Einstein transformations, length and time relativity, relative velocities, mass, energy and momentum relativity, quantum theory of light and black body radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg, Rutherford scattering theory, Bohr's theory of atomic spectra, energy levels and spectral lines for hydrogen atom, quantum numbers of atoms, the wave nature of particles, the de Broglie’s wavelength, X-ray diffraction and Bragg's law, wave equation, Schrodinger's equation, the eigenvalues and expected values, applications to one – dimensional quantum system, particle in a box or an infinite potential well, the harmonic oscillator, molecules and solids (molecular bonds, energy states of molecules, spectra of molecules, bonding in solids).
44102 General Biology (2)
Animal and plant tissues, Mammalian circulation, immune system, gas exchange, controlling the internal environment, nervous system and motor mechanism. Transport in plants, plant nutrition, plant reproduction and development. Eco-distribution and adaptations of organisms, population ecology and community ecology
46351 Radiation physics
The interaction of radiation with matter, sources of environmental radioactive pollution (natural and artificial), wave radiation and particle radiation and their biological effects, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, radiation chains, nuclear reactions, radiation measuring devices, internal and external exposure of radiation, radiation control and radioactive pollution, International Atomic Energy Agency recommendations, radioactive pollution removal, radioactive waste treatment and disposal methods, the management of radioactive waste.
82443 Pharmaceutical Radioisotopes
Brief discussion of radioactivity of certain pharmacologically active compounds. This course covers:
the use of radioisotopes in medicine and pharmacy, and precautions required in handling and storage of these radioisotopes.
86106 Biomedical Physics
The aim is to introduce biomechanical descriptions of the human body. We look at its structure and its performance as a physical machine. The structural characteristics of human bones and tissue are investigated electricity and magnetism in the body. Biomagnetism. The use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation in diagnosis and therapy, radiation safety.
86231 medical electronics
This course covers: DC Circuit Analysis, Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage, Capacitors, Inductors, RLC Circuits and Resonance, Diodes and Applications, Transistors and Applications, Operational Amplifier.
86232 medical electronics lab
Oscilloscope, RLC in AC Circuit, RLC Series Resonance Circuit, Diode Circuit Characteristics, Half / Full Waves Rectifier, Zener Diode, Transistor Characteristics, Transistor Amplifier, Operational Amplifier: Basic Characteristics and Applications, Basic Logic Gates.
86333 electricity and magnetism
Charge and matter, electric field, gauss's law, electric potential, capacitors and dielectrics, current and resistance, electromotive force and circuits, the magnetic field, ampere's law, faraday's law of induction, Maxwell's equations; magnetic properties of matter, A.C. circuits.
86341 Medical Imaging physics (1)
Mathematical and statistical aspects of imaging science, Physical description of image quality: resolution, contrast, and signal to noise ratio. X-ray imaging: radiography, fluoroscopy, and computed tomography (CT). Nuclear medicine imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ultrasound physics.
86345 Medical Imaging physics Lab (1)
Experiments in Medical imaging: X-ray imaging, NMR, X- Spectroscopy and ultrasound.
86252 Health Physics and Radiation Protection
An overview of the atom and nucleus, the radioactivity phenomenon, radiation quantities, radiation doses and units, measurement of radiation quantities, radiation detection, radiation protection criteria, radiation exposure limits, the biological effects of radiation, shielding systems and techniques, radiological monitoring and dose measurement for workers and the public, types and characteristics of radiation used in medical imaging techniques and methods to protect of it.
86261 mathematical physics
Introduction to linear algebra and vectors, complex numbers, vectors analysis, differential equations, Fourier’s transformation, special functions
86281 Geometrics and Physical Optics
This course contains the following topics: Nature of light, geometrical optics (the laws of reflection and refraction, Fermat′s principle, the critical angle and total internal reflection, reflection at mirrors, refraction at lenses, optical instruments (prisms, microscopes and telescopes), electromagnetic waves and wave equations, superposition of waves, interference of light (Young’s double slit experiment, Michelson interferometer, Newton’s rings), diffraction (Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction), polarization of light, the production of polarizing light , Optics of the Eye.
86282 Geometrics and Physical Optics Lab
Experiments related to optics such as: Focal length measurements of thin lenses, prisms, refraction, diffraction, polarization, microwave
86302 Computer and Image Modeling
Biological background and developmental strategy of mathematical models of tissue response in cancer treatments and cancer research. Computational methods for dose distribution calculations. Linear quadratic, TCP and NTCP models and examples of their use.
86303 Computer and Image Modeling lab
Practical applications in different topics studied in Computer and Image Modeling course
86342 X-Ray and CT Devices
The study of the basic x- ray devices and CT scan, their construction, operating, quality control, radiation dose and safety.
86343 Radiotherapy (1)
This course is designed to establish a basic knowledge of physics pertinent to developing an understanding of radiation used in the clinical setting. Fundamental physics units, measurements, principles, atomic structure, and types of radiation are emphasized. Also presented are fundamentals of x-ray generating equipment, x-ray production, and its interaction with matter. Students will be introduced to units used in radiation therapy, including the metric system and SI units. The student will be instructed in the basic mathematical functions and skills needed to perform all essential calculations encountered in the radiation therapy profession.
86444 Radiobiology
Fundamentals and techniques of molecular biology, cancer, radiation carcinogenesis, genetic effects of radiation, DNA Strand Breaks and chromosomal aberrations, molecular mechanisms of DNA repair, molecular mechanisms of radiation damage, cellular repair, cell death mechanisms, molecular cytoplasmic-nuclear signals, tumor systems Sclerosis, Cell and Tissue (Survival Tests, Movements, Survival), Microbial Tumors, Radio sensitizers, Bioreductive Drugs, Radioprotections Relative Therapy, Dose Time, Low Dose Hypersensitivity, Genetic Instability, Total Body Irradiation, Biology and Treatment For localized radiation, RT reaction with chemotherapy, PDT and MDR factors, gene therapy, normal tissue clinically relevant, the effects of radiation in the development of the embryo, stem cell therapy.
86351 quantum mechanics
Wave packets and the uncertainty relations, Schrödinger equation, Eigen functions and eigenvalues, potentials in one-dimension, structure of wave mechanics, operator methods in Q.M., Schrödinger equation, in three dimensions, angular momentum, Ideal hydrogen atom.
86361 Advanced Physics Lab
Advanced physics experiments such as Faradays law, Compton effect, Stefan Boltzmann law in radiation, ESR, measurement of charge to mass (e/m) experiment, photoelectric effect, Franck Hertz experiment, Hall effect, electron diffraction, Palmer series spectroscopy.
86381 Medical Laser Physics and optical instruments
Introduction, theory of three and four levels lasers, types of lasers, solid state lasers, gas laser, diode lasers. Cavities of laser, stability of laser cavity using matrix optics. Interaction of matter with laser beams: reflection, dispersion, absorption, diffraction, thermal and photodynamic interactions, Florence. Application of lasers: imaging, diagnoses, treatment, surgery, producing waves, Doppler imaging, applications in biology, eye surgery, Laser glaucoma treatment absorption, diffraction, thermal and photodynamic interactions, Florence. Application of lasers: imaging, diagnoses, treatment, surgery, producing waves, Doppler imaging, applications in biology, eye surgery, Laser glaucoma treatment
86482 Bio-Medical Spectroscopy
The theoretical and experimental principles underlying the application of optical spectroscopy in medical and biological physics. Use of lasers and fiber optics in medicine for diagnosis and therapy.
86472 Physics of Nuclear Medicine
Discussion of the fundamental physics of radioactivity, the use of unsealed sources in medical diagnosis and treatment. Unsealed source dosimetry, nuclear measurement instrumentation, spectrometry. Design and function of gamma cameras, single photon emission tomography (SPECT), and double photon (positron) emission tomography (PET), instruments quality assurance, counting statistics
86391 Field Training (1)
In field training in the medical facilities in the area on the different aspects of biomedical physics.
86491 field training (2)
Advanced training in hospitals and medical centers, taking readings, analyzing, writing medical reports for 400 training hours during the last semester (200 hours each). This training includes working in radiology departments under the supervision of physicians and radiologists.
It includes saving data, patient care, operation of radiological equipment and procedures, imaging, radiation protection, and applications that include all x-rays and their applications. This training also provides practical and clinical training in all basic radiological applications, ultrasound, CT, MRI, interventional radiology and radioisotope therapy. under the supervision of doctors, technicians and radiologists. This course will be a practical training in hospitals and clinics and various medical centers that have worked in partnership with the university. During their training, students are required to apply and test theories and skills and knowledge acquired during the academic preparation period. The application of skills and knowledge is an important and essential part of the professional degree program, as it provides educational opportunities unavailable in the classroom.
86492 seminar
The student has to do research in one field of medical physics
41203 Selected Topics in Mathematics
This course includes study of transcendental functions, general exponential and logarithmic functions, inverse trigonometric functions, their derivatives and integrals, techniques of integration, functions of several variables, multiple integrates, first-order differential equations and applications and higher-order differential equations.
44251 Cell Biology
A general study of the cell theory, prokaryotes & eukaryotes The course will focus on studying cellular components structurally & functionally including cell membrane & surfaces, cell cycle, chromosome organization, intracellular organelles, cytoskeleton, cell-cell interactions as well as cell aging & cancer cell
86108 Human Biology
Principles of human anatomy and physiology: skeletal system, articular system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine glands, circulatory system, renal system and reproductive system
86211 Introduction to Neurophysics
Principles and basics of biophysics, bio-electromagnetic field, electric field and current in the cell, electrocardiograms and their properties, Hodgkin-Huxley model, Multi-compartmental
86212 Bioinformatics
Introduction to bioinformatics. Principles and computational methods for upgrading and organizing biological data generated by genome sequencing, proteomics and gene expression studies. Modeling philosophy and principles as well as simulation methodologies
86253 Radiation Biology Science.
The course is designed to provide a bridge between features of radiation (physics) and the important aspects of radiation biology with the emphasis on the effects on human life
86441 Medical Imaging Physics (2)
Evaluation and optimization of imagining systems (x-ray CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, and Ultrasonic imaging). Linear system theory in the Fourier domain. Image processing and analysis. Statistical properties of signals. Quality assurance. Practical applications. Introduction to digital imaging: digital x-rays and digital subtraction angiography (DSA).
86346 Interaction of Radiation with Matter
This course introduces the basic methods of interaction between ionizing radiation (electromagnetic or particle) and matter. Focusing on energy absorption in medical applications. Include: exponential attenuation, charged particle equilibrium, cavity theory and ionization chambers.
86352 Biomechanics
Study of mechanical movement: human movement. The main applications of joints and the structures of the various regions of the human body, the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system and the application of Newtonian mechanics. This ensures electromyography, computer imaging, electromyography, Mechanics of tissue and fluid and its applications.
86362 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
A student is familiarized with the basic principles of thermodynamics, studying thermodynamic concepts, thermodynamic processes, and basics concepts, kinetic theory of gases, the ideal gas law, the thermal equilibrium and the zeroth law of thermodynamics, latent heat and phase diagram, heat, temperature, thermal expansion, methods of heat transfer, internal energy and the first law of thermodynamics, the adiabatic process of ideal gas, heat engines and second law of thermodynamic: heat pumps, the Carnot engine, internal combustion engine, entropy and second law of thermodynamics, entropy and performance of heat engines, third law of thermodynamics, enthalpy, enthalpy, statistical thermal physics: introduction to probability theory, Maxwell’s- Boltzmann distributions, Maxwell’s relations, derivation of Maxwell’s relations using cyclic rule, applications of Maxwell’s relations, Bose–Einstein (B–E) statistics.
86371 Molecular Biophysics
Molecular structure of biomolecules. properties and function of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and membranes. Energetics and dynamics of biological systems. Physical aspects of selected systems including: Vision, nerve transmission, photosynthesis, enzyme mechanism, and cellular diffusion. Introduction to spectroscopic methods for monitoring reactions and determining structure including light absorption or scattering, fluorescence, NMR, and x-ray diffraction.
86442 Ultrasound Physics and Magnetic Resonance Imaging – MRI
Physics of ultrasound, their production and interactions with biological tissues proliferation and attenuation in body tissues Ultrasound transducers and their beam properties. Understanding of ultrasound safety and biological effects. Their applications, medical imaging using ultrasound, operation of modern ultrasound diagnostic devices, Doppler phenomenon.
Magnetic resonance imaging, classical response of single nucleus to magnetic field, periodic reference frames and resonance, quantum mechanical basis of procession and excitation, quantum mechanical basis of thermal equilibrium and relaxation, signal acquisition methods, free induction decay, spin echoes, inversion recovery and spectroscopy. The practical part of this course is applied in medical centers and general radiology centers in hospitals and centers.
86443 Radiotherapy (2)
Advanced aspects of radiation therapy with emphasis on external beam dosimetry, 3D treatment planning, and simulation. Modeling the effectiveness of radiation treatment. Practical applications
86445 Nano Particles for Medical Therapy and Diagnosis
Definition of nanotechnology, types of nanomaterials used in the medical field, interaction between nanomaterials with biological tissues, electronic sensors, issues related to the clinical development of nanomedicines include biological challenges such as issues related to Nanotoxicology -Health and Environmental Impacts.
86471 Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Properties, nuclear force, nuclear models, nuclear radioactivity, alpha-decay, beta-decay, gamma-decay, nuclear reactions (fission and fusion), applications.