Hebron University - Pharmacy Department

Opportunities for Graduates

It’s worth mentioning that the opportunities for a pharmacy graduate are diverse comparable to other professions. These include:

  • Community and hospital pharmacies

Where the pharmacist dispenses drugs and OTC medicines. In addition, the pharmacist is responsible for compounding small scale preparation and dispensing them appropriately to the patients.

  • Pharmaceutical industry and biochemical analysis
Palestinian pharmaceutical industry has been playing a major role in Palestinian economics in the recent 10 years. Therefore, pharmacists are the leaders in our local plants in various departments to assure the development and competition of our Palestinian products with other international generics according to WHO and c-GMP (current good manufacturing practice) standards. 
  • Marketing

Our pharmacists are well educated and trained to have remarkable marketing and communication skills, so they are able to work professionally with local and international pharmaceutical companies to give full information and advice about their products by contacting all health care professionals in order to assure that the drugs are ideally handled and dispensed.

  •  Clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care:

Our pharmacy graduates are able to give the best pharmaceutical care to the patients either in the pharmacies or hospitals. They are well trained to diagnose and solve problems in several medical cases. And propose solutions or alternative approaches with other health care professional in order to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

  • Academic work and research:

The golden choice of our graduates would be working within academic and research institutions. They would start there as teaching and research assistant (TA/RA) where they can get an opportunity to continue their study to get MSc or PhD degrees.

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