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Hebron University receives a delegation From the Palestinian Ministry of Labor
Prof. Dr.. Ahmad Atawneh received a delegation from the Directorate of Labor in Hebron consisting of Mr. Ali Qudaimat director general of the Ministry of labor in Hebron Governorate, Mr. Mohammad Al-Shalaldeh director of Employment department, Mr. Ayman Da’ana director of the Development section in Employment, and Mrs. Nadia ‘Alqam from the Development Section . The two parties discussed means for helping and qualifying University graduates for finding suitable job opportunities for them. The President of the University suggested offering an elective course to qualify graduates for seeking work under the guidance of the University and creating job opportunities by means of adopting small projects which suit their specializations.
In turn Mr. Qudaimat emphasized the importance of opening new doors before the graduates to give then an opportunity to highlight their potentials and skills in coordination with the private sector and non-governmental organizations. It was agreed to call the private sector and the Ministry of Labor to hold seminars at the University to posit practical ideas for creating job opportunities.