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The University Comprehensive Model School Celebrates The End of The School Year 2012/2013
Under the patronage of the chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. Nabil Al-Ja’abari the University Model School celebrated the end of the current school year in the presence of a number of the Board of Trustees members, the President of the University Prof. Dr. Ahmad Atawneh , a number of the teaching staff and administrative staff and a throng of the parents and relatives of the students. At the beginning of the celebration, the headmistress Mrs.. Sahar Al-Ja’abari welcomed the audience. In her speech the headmistress praised the hard efforts of Dr. Nabil Al-Ja’abari to develop the school and the educational process. She emphasized the importance of the role of the school in organizing artistic exhibitions which contribute in honing the character of the students and supporting their talensts.
Dr. Al-Ja’abari began his speech by praising the distinguished role of the school administration which is represented in the achievements done during the past years. He expressed his pride in this growing generation and emphasized that investment in the child is the most valuable investment which can be achieved because the homeland needs an educated and cultured generation to lead the march towards victory. At the end of his speech, Dr. Al-Ja’abari wished that the land is liberated , that Jerusalem regains its freedom and that we live in security and peace like other peoples of the earth.
The celebration included purposeful artistic and heritage presentations by a group of the school students. At the end of the celebration the chairman of the Board of Trustees opened an exhibition of the works of the students in most of the school subjects which they produced during the school year. He listened to them for a detailed explanation about their works.