Hebron University - A German Delegation Visits Hebron University

A German Delegation Visits Hebron University

A German delegation, including thirty academic body members from German universities and colleges, visited HU so as to discuss the possibility of academic cooperation between the two parties. The meeting was attended by Dr. Sameer Abu Zneid, the Chancellor of the Chairman of the Board of Trusstees, Dr. Salman Talahmeh, vice president for Planning and Quality Assurance, and Dr. Husam Abuaisha from the Public Relations. 

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Husam Abuaisha welcomed the delegation and Dr. Abu Zneid delivered a word about the status quo at Hebron district. On the other hand, Dr. Talahmeh talked about HU, its stages of development, and the future plans of the University, with regard to establishing new buildings and introducing new academic programs.

 The delegation afterwards visited the University's facilities, expressed their admiration for the achievements made at the University and thanked the administration for the kind hospitality.


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