Hebron University - Finance & Accounting Department

Course Description

62111    Principles of Accounting I 

Basic concepts of financial accounting. Emphasis on the double-entry system, the accounting cycle, the preparation and use of the financial statements. Coverage includes treatment of merchandising operations, cash, receivables, inventories, and fixed assets. 

62112    Principles of Accounting 2 

Continuation of AC 62111.The following topics will be addressed: accounting for liabilities; corporations; cash flow statement; financial statement analysis; and additional financial reporting issues.

62201    Intermediate Financial Accounting I 

This course deals with the following: the reporting environment – GAAP, standard setting and a conceptual framework, objectives of financial reporting, accounting concepts; the accounting process leading to financial statement presentation balance sheet and income statement, statement of cash flow; cash, temporary investments and receivables; accounting for inventories; fixed assets.

62202     Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 

Continuation of (62201) with special emphasis on current liabilities and contingencies; long-term liabilities; shareholders' equity; earnings per share; accounting for pension costs; accounting for leases; financial statement analysis; long- term investments; accounting changes, correction of errors; and cash flow statement.

62203     Cost Accounting 

The study of cost accounting concepts and information used by business organizations to make strategic, organizational and operational decisions.  Topics include the role of planning and control in attaining organizational goals and objectives; the relationship among cost structure, accounting for cost elements, job order costing; process costing ;  joint product costing, standard costing; traditional and activity-based costing approaches to product costing; absorption vs direct costing. Differential analysis in decision making cost-volume-profit analysis.

62204     Managerial Accounting 

This course deals with the following: introduction to budgeting; flexible budgets and standard costs; variance analysis; managerial accounting and not-for-profit organizations; departmental costing and cost allocation; ratio analysis; relevant costing and capital budgeting; the pricing decision, transfer pricing and alternative performance measures.

62301     Tax Accounting

Introduction to taxation, definition if direct and indirect taxes, determination of taxable income, tax estimation and collection, preparation of income tax returns for individuals, partnerships, and corporation, adjustment of income for tax purpose, value added tax (VAT )  & Customs

62316     Accounting for Government and Non- Profit Institutions 

This course deals with the Governmental & Non- Profit Accounting units. The topics of this course, should emphasis on Accounting and Financial reporting, studying the differences between cash basis, Accrual basis and modified accrual basis, fund accounting non-fund accounting groups proprietary fund and completing the governmental fund accounting cycle, as well as budgeting; budgetary accounting cycle and budgetary reporting.

62303    Accounting Theory 

The conceptual framework of financial accounting and reporting, including such areas as objectives, elements, qualitative characteristics, recognition, measurement, methods of presentation, and the historical development of accounting concepts. Examination of FASB, IAS Concepts Statements and other authoritative pronouncements. This course is designed to help the student develop and understand a model of what good financial reporting should be.

62304    Auditing (1) 

Auditing integrates financial and cost accounting, ethics, accounting theory, information systems, and control structure concepts into a systematic process of obtaining, evaluating and reporting on economic events and activities. This course covers the following topics: the audit market, ethics for professional accountant, auditor’s responsibility and legal liability, elements of the audit process, client acceptance, audit planning.

62305   Auditing (2)

Continuation of (61340). Students in this course will be exposed to the following: statistical sampling; computer control and audit, internal control and its components, relying on internal control in the audit process, substantive testing, completing the audit and external audit report.

62209    Computerized Accounting

This course gives students an in-depth look at software packages currently in use by business enterprises for accounting and finance related functions. 

62211     Financial Institutions

This course focuses on financial intermediary institutions, including banks, investment banks and institutional investors. The functions and purposes of such institutions are analyzed. Their role in the Global Financial Crisis is a special area of interest. Among the topics addressed are banking regulation, capital adequacy, off-balance-sheet baking, and international banking. We also discuss the different principles for pension coverage and the financial risks to pension funds and to their members.

62315     Accounting for SME’s

Studying the accounting system of small and medium enterprise and the international standard for SME’s 

62310     Modern Issues in Accounting

Readings of current literature from the broad spectrum of accounting. Designed to acquaint the student with an in-depth survey of current as well as classic topics in the field. 

62401    Advanced Financial Accounting 

The topics covered in this course include: partnerships, branches, consolidations (mergers and acquisitions); installments and consignment sales; foreign currency transactions; price level changes; and introduction to international accounting.

62402     Seminar in Accounting & Finance 

An advanced research seminar dealing with important contemporary problem in accounting and finance. The course consists of broad-range reading, critical research paper in a significant topic in the field.

62403    Accounting Information Systems  

Study of general systems concepts and theory together with systems analysis tools and techniques. The collection and processing of accounting information. Internal control aspects of accounting systems. Systems life cycle in an accounting framework. The interface of accounting systems and computer technology, and the development of computer control procedures. Accounting systems and their relationship to other business information systems

62404    Practicum

A course, taken by graduating seniors, to give students an opportunity to work in various types of accounting and auditing, business administration, marketing, and public administration in accordance with a plan approved by the department and the college. A student must complete 200 training hours during the regular working hours of the firm. 

62408   Ethics in Accounting and Auditing

Analysis and discussion of issues relating to ethics and professionalism in accounting and auditing. The Code of Professional Conduct and the reasoning, philosophy, and application of that code are examined.

62302    International Accounting Standards

This course discusses the unique aspects of International Accounting Standards (IFRS) and accounting for multinational corporations, accounting principles and financial reporting practices of different countries, and the development of international accounting and auditing standards.

62104     Principles of Microeconomics

This course will discuss in details the following subjects: What is the economic science, methodology of economic and economic problem, demand and supply, price system and elasticity, utility and consumer behavior

62205    Money and Banking 

This course intends to acquaint student with the nature and development of money credit and banking, an analysis of the relationships among consumption, savings and investment, some monetary theories and policies.

62206     Financial management 1

This course teaches the students the fundamentals of capital, capital structure, and rate of return analysis, how to evaluate and select corporate assets: an introduction to security evaluation, a consideration of dividend and capital structure.

62208      Islamic Financial Transaction 

The primary aims of this course is to equip students with the basic principles of Islamic financial transaction such as, sales, lease, al-morabah, Islamic banks, loans, insurance, etc.

62300     Financial Management  (2)

The central focus of this course is on the role of financial manager in maximizing the value of the firm. So this course intends to acquaint student with basic concepts as security markets, taxes, interest rate and risk return valuation models.

62307     Financial Markets

This course is about money, banking and their relationship to interest rates. It teaches an understanding of financial market that is essential in the management of financial assets and liabilities.

62311     Economic Development 

The course investigates the nature of Economic Development, its causes and features and the importance of planning in overcoming its problems. It further studies important theories and strategies dealing with problems of capital accumulation, unemployment, investment, industrialization and private and public sectors with giving examples from different developing countries.

62405     Investment Analysis and Management

This course introduces students to the most important research tools and methods in the various fields of investment and how to conduct the necessary analysis. It includes the following topics: study of investment nature, investment environment, financial alternatives, types of investments, methods of analysis, return assessment, capital budgets, analysis and control

62406     Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation 

The primary purpose of this course is to study the basic tools and techniques of analyzing different financial statements, to determine the relative strength and weaknesses of a company whether the firm is financially sound and profitable financial analysis concentrated on a set of ratios designed to high light the key aspects of a firm’s operations.

61409     Managerial Economics

The application of economic theory and quantitative methods to business decision-making. Product demand supply and marginal pricing. Competitive bidding, and allocation of resources.

62412     Public finance

This subject deals with the economics of the public sector as that sector operates in mixed system. Its operation includes not only financing but has broad bearing on the level and allocation of resource use, the distribution of income, and the level of economic activity. It also deals with the real as well as the financial aspects of the problem. It deals also with the entire range of economic policy through revenue and expenditure measures of the public budget, the operation of the public enterprise, and conduct of monetary policy.

61421    Insurance Management 

The goal of this course is to provide the students with the key concepts in risk, risk management and insurance more emphasis will be placed on discussing more common forms of personal and commercial insurance contracts including liability, homeowner, auto, life and health insurance.

62213     Principles of Macroeconomic 

This course provides an overview of macroeconomic issues: the determination of output, employment, unemployment, interest rates, and inflation. Monetary and fiscal policies are discussed. Important policy debates such as, the sub-prime crisis, social security, the public debt, and international economic issues are critically explored. The course introduces basic models of macroeconomics and illustrates principles with the experience of the U.S. and foreign economies.

61204     Human Resource Management

Focuses on the practices and methods applied in the areas of recruitment, training, promotion, job-design, job classification, discipline, evaluation of employee performance and labor laws.

61410     Strategic Management

This course aims at describing and analyzing the principles of strategic management. Also it explains the steps needed to apply strategic management. topics covered include structural analysis of industries, strategic management progress, analyzing environment and it’s reflections on strategic decision, strategically directors, strategy sorts, the privacy of strategic management in the international companies supervising strategically performance,  generic competitive strategies, a framework for competitor analysis, corporate and business unit strategy, functional strategies.

62105     Business English

This course focuses on understanding, writing and become familiar at topics in the commercial field and providing the student with the ability to deal with English in his daily business practice through various documents and communication.

61111   Principles of Management 1

This course includes the study of the evolution of management thoughts through the study of the various management tools, the functions of the management process i.e.: planning , organizing , directing and control, it also includes the study of the various functional departments in the organization such as , production, marketing , finance, human resource management . . . etc.

61112     Principles of Management 2

Introduction to Management provides students with a broad introduction to the major functional areas of management.  The course begins with some business history, examining the emergence of big business and understanding how to think about firms, technology, work organization and context.  The course examines further topics, including strategic management, marketing, organizational behavior, technology and operations management, finance and accounting.

61203     Business law

This course studies the administrative law, its origin and characteristics, administrative organization, ways and types of centralized and administrative organization, decentralized administration and its types, local administration and its elements, the elements of administrative authority – the public administrators and public property.

61106      Applications of Statistics in Management

The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge of statistical methods that can be utilized in the commercial and administrative fields, the purpose is to increase administrative effectiveness and devote students reliance on scientific principles. The main topics covered in this course are measures of central tendency, samples, probability theory, correlation coefficient, and natural distribution.

63111     Principles of Marketing

The course introduces the student to the concepts and practices of the marketing activity. It discusses definitions of marketing and its philosophies, consumer behavior and its implications on marketing decisions, markets and the concept of market segment

64101     Principles of Public Administration

This course deals with the issues of government administration and the relation of public institutions with the political framework, the different administrative dealings in governmental institutions and comparing them with examples from developed and developing countries, with the emphasis on the Palestinian public structure.

61107     Scientific Research Methods (Management)

This course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of : scientific research its methods, functions and objectives, techniques, provide the students with the skills to prepare a scientific research, writing the research and evaluate it. In addition to that  train the students on how to conduct a scientific research in various areas of management.

61204     Human Resources Management 

This course focuses on presenting and discussing the various principles and concepts of human resources management. It stresses the policies, programs and methods that have been developed and implemented successfully in the field; furthermore It includes the discussion of the various functional activities of human resource management such as planning, recruitment, selection, job analysis, performance appraisal, training and development, compensation, career planning and promotion, safety and health, and labor relations.

61407     Project Management 

The course deals with the introduction to project management, covers the project:  selection, organization, scheduling, resource allocation, monitoring, and project review.

61314      Banks Management

This course emphasizes the practical aspects of banking strategy. The course allow the student to track the bank’s performance as well as the performance of competitors and to develop strategies to outperform opponents, specific areas to be explored include the most effective product lines, establishing low and deposit interest rates, asset liability management, and interest rate. Projections as well determining the major thrust of the institution.

61409     Managerial  Economics 

The course focus on the  application of economic theories and quantitative methods in administrative decision-making processes, demand and supply of products and pricing, different economic margins, origin and costs, types of competitive markets, foreign and international trade, national statics and  money and banks.

61208     Computer Skills for Management Students 

The course concentrate on the advanced computer topics in the fields of management and accounting, computer applications, design and analysis of results, using computer to tackle and treat accounting and administrative problems,  understand and utilized the advanced and modern computerized systems such as Excel and applications in accounting and administrative management, including an introduction in SPSS program.

61316     Etiquette and Protocol

This course deals with the different concepts of Protocol, diplomatic relations and work protocol, provide a review on the diplomatic history and language, procedures and diplomatic relations, communication both verbal and written and signed memorandums.

62212     Actuarial and Financial Mathematics

This course aims to clarify basic of probabilities, actuarial models and the application of those models to insurance and other financial risks. After that, discuss a basis for evaluating the use of probabilistic models and facility in using probabilistic models to develop a business solution. This course provides comprehensive coverage of both the deterministic and stochastic models of life contingencies, risk theory, credibility theory, multi-state models, and an introduction to modern mathematical finance.

62317     Contemporary Issues in Financial Institutions and Markets

This course deals with the role of financial markets and institutions, the determinants of interest rates, the relationship between interest rates and stock prices, interest rates, stock markets: money markets, bond markets, equity markets, commercial banks and financial institutions, savings funds and incubator funds.

62414     Financial Risk Analysis 

This course covers the role of risk management in financial institutions as applied in real fact the global financial market in the financial industry.  Offers several models for risk management decision for measuring and managing different types of risk include: property risks, interest rate risks and credit risks. Moreover, this course expands the ability to use the principles of risk management in a way that enables students to examine practical issues, problem-solving, and analysis in the areas of finance and risk management. 

62214      Practicum Application 1 (Actuarial track)

The course focuses on financial mathematics, actuarial sciences, statistics, and computational methods. The work placement helps the students to develop specific work-related skills, giving the opportunity to apply and build upon the theory learn in their studies. It allows the students to take on real responsibilities, enhance interpersonal skills through teamwork and communication and experience workplace culture. Training in the mentioned fields is accompanied by seminars, reading courses, and project seminars.

62318     Practicum Application 2 (Actuarial track)

This course combines the rigorous studies of the Actuarial Science track with a real work placement.  The course concentrate on forwards, futures, swaps, and options and moves to combining these building block instruments with practical applications. 

62318     Practicum Application 3 (Actuarial track) 

This course will give students indispensable insight and guidance into the application of these legal requirements in the workplace. The course aims to fill the existing gap of training schemes and provides opportunities for practical, on the job training on risk assessment to the students in pursuing this area of expertise.

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