Hebron University - Our mission and objectives

Our Vision

To build a generation of law specialists capable of effectively contribute in establishing state institutions, empower the rule of law in Palestine, protect human rights of Palestinian citizens, and professionally represent Palestine at regional and international levels, in collaboration with external research centers to support sharing knowledge in the fields of law and political sciences.


Our Mission 

The Faculty aims to be a leading institution in the fields of law and political science at the local and international levels. This would be achieved through:

  • Providing students with high quality education in the fields of law and political sciences.
  • Attract outstanding students who are highly motivated to seek knowledge in both fields.
  • Uplifting students' capabilities by focusing on academic research, targeted at making a positive difference to the lives of Palestinian people.
  • Improving the Palestinian legal system, with special focus on the rule of law and civil rights and liberties.
  • Training community leaders from amongst law specialists.


Our Objectives 

  • Provide the legislative, executive and judicial institutions with law specialists capable of practicing various legal professions, including tasks related to lawyering, legislative drafting, prosecution, court administration staff, and legal advisers.
  • Train specialists capable of effectively communicating with the international community and working in international organizations inside and outside Palestine, by focusing on international law and English legal terminology in a number of courses.
  • Collaborate with civil organizations to provide free legal advice to marginalized and economically disadvantaged groups through the legal clinic.
  • Focus on practical teaching of law in cooperation with justice institutions (Courts, Public Prosecution, the Palestinian Bar, Parliament, Ministries and various governmental agencies), also through organizing mock trials, field visits, and workshops.
  • Develop academic research in Palestinian by establishing a legal library, preparing a computer lab with access to legal databases, establishing a legal journal, developing a master's program in law, and organizing international conferences.
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