Hebron University - Hebron University Research Journal (HURJ): A- (Natural Sciences)

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Hebron University Research Journal (HURJ):   A- (Natural Sciences) is an annual Journal that is issued by the Deanship of Academic Research at Hebron University, Palestine. HURJ: A- Natural Sciences aims to offer equal opportunities for all researchers. It has content that is relevant for and readable by an international audience. The Journal will accept manuscripts on their intellectual content, irrespective of race, gender, beliefs, ethnic origins, citizenship, or the political philosophy of the authors. Complying with professional ethics of publishing is of prime importance that authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers must put in mind.


  • HURJ: A- Natural Sciences aims to be a free source of effective and innovative research articles to ensure sharing of knowledge for researchers, academics, professionals, and students from different natural sciences and related fields. HURJ: A- Natural Sciences offers equal opportunities for all researchers from universities worldwide.


  • HURJ: A- Natural Sciences, a multi-disciplinary, refereed, double-blind peer reviewed journal publishes research articles written in Arabic or English. Original research articles, literature reviews, book reviews, case studies and short communications in all areas of natural sciences and its allied branches are mostly welcome from all over the world for publication in the journal.


The Journal is published on a regular basis (annually) and has an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) as registered with the ISSN International Centre


HURJ: A- Natural Sciences





What follows is the statement of ethics for HURJ: A- Natural Sciences. This statement draws on the principles of Hebron University for Publication Ethics and involves regulations of ethics for the chief editor, editorial board members, reviewers and authors. It is also in compliance with the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement requirements.  For more details on COPE Ethics responsibilities,  check out  https://publicationethics.org   and  https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines  

1- Web site

HURJ: A- Natural Sciences website demonstrates that care has been taken to ensure high ethical and professional standards.

2- Name of Journal

HURJ: A- Natural Sciences is unique and is not easily confused with other journal(s) that might mislead potential authors and readers about the journal’s origin or association with other journals.

3- Chief Editor

HURJ has an editor-in-chief who is responsible for selecting appropriate reviewers according the content of the submitted manuscript and reviewer's area of expertise. The chief editor shall maintain confidentiality of manuscripts during the reviewing process and shall not disclose any information regarding manuscripts nor the identity of the authors to anyone other than the Editorial Board of HURJ: A- Natural Sciences.

4. Editorial Board Members:

The Journal has an editorial board whose members are recognized experts in the field; their full names and academic affiliations are provided on the web site of the Journal. Their duties include:

  • working with the editor-in-chief to improve the vision of the Journal,
  • selecting appropriate reviewers for the submitted manuscripts, and
  • maintaining the confidentiality of the reviewing process and the information received from the reviewers.
  • The Journal  adopts clear procedures and policies to exclude editors and board members from peer review selection and publication decisions when they are authors.
  • editorial board members are requested to disclose that there is no any conflict of interest.

5- Authors

Author(s) shall assure that their work is original and meet the high professional and ethical standards of authors and co-authors. Therefore

  • The submitted manuscript must be highly credible in terms of presenting the results without fabrication or misrepresentation of data results.
  • Authorship shall be limited to those who have made a sufficient degree of contribution. Authors are usually listed according to the weight of their contribution. It is the duty of the corresponding author to be sure to include all co-authors and exclude the names of authors who have not participated in authoring the manuscript.
  • Authors must properly cite publications that already contributed to the research.
  • Authors should provide proper acknowledgment to those who have contributed to the work within the manuscript.
  • Authors must revise their manuscript in accordance with the reviewers' suggestions. In the event that the author disagrees with suggested modifications, he/she must provide rationale for not carrying out the suggested modification.
  • HURJ shall not charge any fees on authors when receiving the submitted manuscripts for peer-reviewing or for publication therein. However, the author shall pay the financial expenses resulting from the refereeing procedures in case he/she requests to withdraw the submitted manuscript, and expresses the desire not to pursue the refereeing procedures or fails to justify his/her ignorance of taking some of the referees' comments into account.

6- Peer-review process &reviewers

Peer review is considered a key stage in the publication process. It is the Journal's policy to ensure that reviewers should work with professionalism and abide by the ethical codes. Therefore,

  • Any manuscript submitted to the Journal should be subjected to peer-review (double –blind review)
  • If the Editorial Board finds it consistent with HURJ publication policies and research integrity, the submitted manuscript shall be sent to two competent reviewers who shall, in turn, evaluate it and submit to the Journal a detailed report on its integrity and originality, using a special form for this purpose.
  • Names of the reviewers are kept confidential and may only be disclosed to the Journal Editorial Board members who are also instructed to maintain confidentiality. To ensure utmost confidentiality, the Journal’s editors don't share manuscripts with any third party except the peer reviewers.
  • Reviewed manuscripts should be treated confidentially prior to their publication.
  • The information received from the reviewers must also be kept confidential. Accordingly, reviewers must not discuss the content of the submission without permission.
  • In the case of a negative report from one of the two referees, the original version of the submitted manuscript shall be reviewed by another referee to decide on its integrity and validity for publication.
  • All judgments and findings in the peer-review process should be objective.
  • Reviewers should have no conflict of interest. Any conflict of interest should be reported directly to the Journal as soon as receiving the invitation to review manuscripts.
  • Reviewers must double check that manuscripts are free of plagiarism and they should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.
  • Reviewers should adhere to the time allocated for the review process. Strict rules are adopted by HURJ’'s editors to ensure timely process and update authors on the progress in the evaluation of their papers.

7- Ownership and management

The Journal is issued by the Deanship of Academic Research at Hebron University, Palestine. 

8- Governing body

The Journal provides detailed information about the editorial and advisory boards as shown in the following link: Editorial Board

9- Editorial team/contact information



Editorial secretary




Prof. Ayed Ghaleb Salama

Associate Professor

Mohammed Farrah

Sana Dwaik

Hebron university Research Journal

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Hebron University – Hebron – Palestine

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10- Copyright and licensing

Copyrights shall be transferred to the Journal upon notifying the author that his/her submitted manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Journal.

11- Author fees

The Journal does not charge any fees when receiving the submitted manuscripts for peer-reviewing or for publication therein. However, if the author decides to withdraw the submitted manuscript or fails to provide rationale for not carrying out the suggested modification, the author shall pay the financial expenses resulting from the review process. 

12- Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct

HURJ's editors make every effort to detect and stop any practices of misconduct such data fabrication, unethical research, plagiarism, biased reporting, multiple submissions or publication, and undeclared conflicts of interest.

Plagiarism is considered unethical behavior in research and publication, and therefore it is strictly prohibited. This comes in parallel with Hebron University clear policy regarding unethical practices or misconduct in research and publishing. Therefore,

  • Authors should submit only original work that is not plagiarized, and has not been published or being considered elsewhere. Thus, authors shall abide by the rules of citation, documentation and ethics of publication.
  • Appropriate anti-plagiarism software (e.g. Turnitin) may be used by the editorial office to check for similarities of submitted manuscripts with published papers.
  • Work and/or words from other publications must be accurately and appropriately cited or quoted.
  • The Journal has the right to take all actions necessary against those who behave in contradiction to the ethics of research conduct. The action may include but is not limited to withdrawal of the submitted manuscript, refusal to consider an author's future work, and retraction of a published article. The Journal  shall notify the offender of the taken action, and may also report the case of misconduct to other journals, institutions, or concerned parties.

Multiple Submissions

  • Authors must not submit work that has been previously published in other journals. A similar manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal concurrently as this constitutes as unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
  • Authors are entitled to publish their manuscript in other journals only after receiving a formal rejection from the journal or if their request to withdraw their work is officially accepted by the journal.

13- Publication Ethics

The Journal shall take practical steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred; in no event shall a journal or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.

14- Publishing schedule

HURJ: A- Natural Sciences is an annual Journal. It publishes one volume every December.  

15- Open Access

The Journal follows open and free access for all research articles in order to support a greater worldwide exchange of knowledge. Researchers and scholars can immediately and freely read, download, and share articles.

16- Archiving

Soft and hard copies of published HURJ volumes are archived and available for the masses. 

17- Revenue sources

The Journal is owned by an educational institution (Hebron University). Accordingly, it does receive only institutional support from ‘Hebron University. There are no processing or publication fees. Therefore, financial issues do not influence editorial decision making.

18- Advertising

The Journal is owned by an educational institution (Hebron University). Accordingly, and we do not make use of advertising. Therefore, advertising does not influence editorial decision making.

19- Direct marketing

The Journal does not make use of direct marketing and presents information that is not misleading for readers or authors.

20- Fund and Support:

The Journal requests authors to disclose any received fund or support from individual or organization in the “Acknowledgment” section.


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