Hebron University - Hebron University Research Journal (HURJ): A- (Natural Sciences)

HURJ: A- Natural Sciences Publication Rules


When submitting their manuscript for publication in HURJ: A- Natural Sciences, authors are kindly requested to consider the following:

  • Documentation: authors are requested to use the American Psychological Association (APA) style for documentation www.apa.org.         
  • References: authors are requested to write all Arabic references in English in the manuscript text and in the bibliography or references.
  • Non-English references (including Arabic references) must be translated into English, along with keeping the original list of Arabic references intact.
  • If the Arabic references have a well-established English translation, it must be used; however, transliteration must be used for the Arabic references that do not have well established equivalents in English (such as: Hadith).
  • Having been transferred into English, all references must be arranged in alphabetical order in accordance with the APA style.
  • The author shall abide by the rules of citation, documentation and ethics of publication. The Journal reserves the right to reject a submitted manuscript and report the case of misconduct to other journals, institutions, or individuals.
  • The submitted manuscript must be innovative or should add something new to the field of human knowledge or natural and applied sciences. The author must take into account the conventions of scientific/academic manuscript.
  • The submitted manuscript shall be written in an academic language free of spelling, grammatical and typographical errors.
  • The submitted manuscript should not have been published or submitted for publication to another party, and the author shall officially acknowledge that by filling in an attached form.
  • The submitted manuscript must be printed using MSWORD and A4 size page. The number of its pages must not exceed 30 in total, and its word count must not be over 10,000 words. The font type used must be Times New Roman, size (12), for the manuscripts written in English and Simplified Arabic, size (12), for the manuscripts written in Arabic.
  • A distance of 1.5 between the lines and 2.5 cm margins from the four sides of the page must be used.
  • The Journal shall accept recent book reviews of no more than 1000 words.
  • The tables and graphs in the submitted manuscript must appear directly as they are used in the manuscript.
  • The appendices in the submitted manuscript must be sequentially included after the reference page.

Technical and Formal Aspects

The manuscript shall be presented in the following order:

  • The first page of the submitted manuscript must include the title of the manuscript, the name(s) of the author(s), the institution in which they work, their full addresses, research keywords, and an abstract of no more than 150 words in both Arabic and English.
  • The manuscript must also include an introduction, objectives, a review of related literature, methodology, results, discussion and recommendations/implications. 
  • The manuscript must also include the references used and the appendices.
  • Fund and Support: The Journal requests authors to disclose any received fund or support from individual or organization in the “Acknowledgment” section.


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