Hebron University - HU Library

The library was founded along with the establishment of the Sharia College in 1971. It has grown from occupying a few rooms in the main building to occupy the 4th floor of the Omar bin Al Khattab building with a floor space of 1320 m², furnished and fitted with a university library collection of different sources. As of 2017, the library has accumulated more than 60,000 resources.

The library is subscribed to the website Springer which provides access to about 120,000 books and 4000 electronic periodicals. We are also subscribed to Ebsco  database which provides access to some 16,000 academic journals, in addition to its membership in a collection of electronic sites through the Palestinian network of information centers and libraries.

HU library uploads the master theses awarded by the University on a research database which exceeded 400 full text theses by 2017.



The library applies the Dewey Decimal Classification System to organize its collection and refers to the list of Arab topic headers to build the library catalog in Arabic. The Sear's List of Subject Headings is also referred to for the construction of the library catalog in English.

An electronic catalog has been built in collaboration with the University computer center, and is continually being developed. It facilitates searching in Arabic and English for articles and books.



  • Lending

University students are required to bring the university student card when borrowing from the library. The library uses the optical reader to facilitate the e- book lending system.

A member of the administrative or academic staff can borrow up to 5 books for a month, a postgraduate student up to 4 books for 20 days,  and the undergraduate can borrow only one book  for ten days.

The library loan system checks out and receives returned books, follows up clearance certificate, notifies borrowers of the overdue books, follows up statistics related to the size of the loan, the quality of books, subjects, etc.


  • Photocopying

The library has 2 Photocopying machines, and can be used directly by the students with nominal charges.


Opening hours

Sundays – Thursdays from 8 am to 4 pm



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