Reference Number |
609696-EPP-1-2019-1-PS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP |
Application Title |
Enhancement of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetic Practice in Palestine |
Application Acronym |
Action Code |
Applicant Organzation |
Project Start Date |
15-jan.-2020 |
Project End Date |
14-jan.-2023 |
Duration (months) |
36 |
HU Coordinator |
Dr. Sabri Saghier |
Website |
Project Summary
Good nutrition is the bedrock of human well-being. In a child’s first 1000 days from conception to the second birthday, good nutrition enables optimal brain and immune system development and functioning, which, in turn, averts death and equips a child to grow, thrive, and reach his or her full potential. Throughout the entire life cycle, good nutrition results in greater cognitive, motor, and social development, educational attainment, productivity, and lifetime earnings.
Experience and best practices were amassed for what to do to alleviate undernutrition, yet capacity continues to be a critical limiting factor for the scale-up, in both coverage and impact, and sustainability of programs. We do not solely need more studies and more data, but more and improved capacity to deliver successful interventions, operationalize nutrition policies and strategies, and ensure leadership. For nutrition to be central to development, we need to have strong alliances, take timely and decisive action, and create, and be subject to, robust accountability.
Nutritionists are uniquely placed to provide appropriate nutrition interventions for prevention and treatment of chronic conditions owing to highly specialized skills in nutrition risk assessment and in formulating nutrition diagnoses and resultant care plans. Despite this, none of the Palestinian institution established dietetics programs to fill this gap. Nutritionists need to update their knowledge and skills to ensure that what is taught and practiced is both current and relevant.
Main Goal
The main goal of this project is to enhance the clinical nutrition practice in health sector in Palestine
Specific Objectives
- Enhance the capacity of the nutrition science academic staff and nutrition workforce.
- Develop a nutrition curriculum training guide with the most current clinical guidelines for training nutritionists and other related health workers team.
- Provide the food and nutrition laboratories with advance practical skills and active application of modern tools and techniques.
- Development of software for Arabic food analysis that enables professionals, students and public to prepare well-balanced and health meals.
- Development of Clinical Nutrition manual
- Establish a network of clinical nutrition institutes committed to developing more effective education and training in human nutrition.
Project Partnership
Role |
Region |
Participant Organization Name |
Country |
Contractor |
R3 |
PS |
Partner |
EU |
BG |
Partner |
EU |
SI |
Partner |
EU |
PL |
Partner |
R3 |
PS |
Partner |
R3 |
PS |