Hebron University - Department of Media Studies

Course Description

25101   Introduction to Media

In this course, the learner studies a general overview of the communication science, and media in terms of definition, origin and evaluation since the past to the present, the media importance in the society, its various branches and functions, the general principles which depends on, the factors that affect media and the difference among media, propaganda, advertising and provocation

25102   Arabic Language for Media

This course aims to enhance the learners' linguistics abilities, through studying the methods of expression used in the press language, radio and television focusing on the syntax and the control of the sentence, advancement and delay in addition to the use of punctuation and their role in reading and reciting

25103   Research Methods for Media

The student learns the meaning of the scientific method of research, how to identify the research problem in the field of media, its assumptions, questions and the population of the study with its various dimensions, the types of media studies (exploratory- descriptive- field- experimental- historical),research methods include: the historical method- survey- comparative- case study, data-collection instruments (content analysis- questionnaires- observation- interviews) and how to verify sources and references used in the study and how to write the final report of the study

25203   Propaganda & Public Opinion

The definition of propaganda, its origin and evolution , types, methods, behavioral aspects of propaganda and media , some of its modern political patterns, public opinion, its development, methods of composition and its role in the society , the types of public opinion, the influence of public opinion on public policy, the relationship between the media and public opinion and the importance of public opinion for the political and social institution, media and public opinion, public opinion polls, the methods of measuring public opinion , public opinion researches.

25211   Media Theories and International Media

This course aims to provide the student with the enough knowledge of media theories, both old and new. It will focus on the theories of media influence on the audience, the methods of paraphrasing the content of media messages and the way of persuading. Also, this course includes the concept of the international media, its tools and means, and the regional and international organizations and associations. And it deals with important international media concepts such as "media globalization", the technical jump and " the system of the world media

25214   Palestinian Media

This course Sheds light on the origin and development of the Palestinian media in their various branches: journalism, radio, television, electronic media and the study of the content of these means within the overall framework for the growth of the community and the role which plays in defending the Palestinian question at home and in Diaspora

25213   Arab Media

This course aims to give the students the general characteristics of media means in the Arab World, and the difficulties that face these means. In addition to this the course tends to clarify the definitions of the Common Arab Media, the association or organizations that adopt the accomplishing of the Common Arab Media Corporation in the Arab world and abroad, up to understanding the mechanism of the Arab media work, its shortcomings and the ways to develop it.

25231   News and Sources

In this course, the student studies the news industry in terms of concept, sources, functions and conditions. It also concentrates on the news gathering and formulation processes, types of news, and styles of editing. The student will be trained on analyzing or using published news examples, identifying its parts and its style of editing and formulating.

25242   Art of Photography

The student studies the origins and evolution of the art of photojournalism and the other types of photography. As well as this course explains or clarify the importance of photojournalism, its impact on the public opinion, the news values that in contains.  Also, in this course the student recognizes the practical principles of the photography in terms of: types or kinds of cameras, parts of cameras, the modern technology and techniques of digital photography, How to use the different lenses and their characteristics. In addition to what is mentioned, the course clarify the use of lights in photography, the nature of the photographer's work, the factors that determine his success, and practical training on photographing journalistic topics

25243   Lighting and TV Filming

This course aims to introduce the students to the basics of television lighting in terms of the sources and types of lighting, persons lighting, groups lighting, decoration lighting, achieving balance and light control. Moreover, it enables the student to know the parts of the television cameras, lenses, camera tripods, camera operating and adjusting, and to know the sizes and types and angles of shots, in addition to the principles and methods of forming the artistic image in terms of content, and the ways of thinking visually

25263   English for media (1)

This course enriches the student skills in English language especially in the field of media, with a concentration on reading and conversation skills, and the specialized terminology and grammatical structures which are common in the media, in addition to train students on news writing and conducting simple interviews

25265   Hebrew for Media

This course aims to concentrate on the four basic skills and the media concepts and terminology, and to merge these skills to enrich the linguistic competence of the media students in Hebrew and so becomes able to read and analyze the Hebrew media scripts

25266   French for Media

This course seeks to develop the capacity of the journalism and media students in the French language used in the field of media by relying on the use of language skills through focusing on reading, conversation and adjusting the specialized terminology of the media. Moreover, there will be a focus on the writing skill by teaching the students the basics of journalistic writing such as briefing news, breaking news, headlines, and newspapers reports, as well as how to gather information from audio and video sources. Besides, the course will introduce some of the specialized terminology related to the journalistic layout and photojournalism

25281   Computer and Internet Applications in Media

This course includes theoretical and practical training on the use of computer, its various uses in media missions to enable students to deal with the computer professionally and competently. The students are trained to use the computer and its various programs used in media. Moreover, the student trains on the editing or mixage of video, audio text and motion in a media product, in addition to multimedia and blogs design

25313   Sports Media

The course takes over a key interest in the sport as one of the most popular content methods of the broad mass sports media in the pursuit events, sport events and the mechanism of communication in rural sports and professional sports in the community and have set up various information materials.

25314   Graphics for Media

The student recognizes the most contemporary trends in graphic design, the design process and its components, Graphic design from concept through to final artwork, applications of graphic design in different media branches, digital design software such as "Photoshop" and "Illustrator". Also, the student learns how to employ graphics in reports, newscast, investigations, documentaries and others, in addition to the design for the purpose of structuring databases, graphics, maps, and advertising. The course includes practical training.

25316   Israeli Media

This course aims to introduce the student with origin and evolution of the most important Israeli media published and broadcast in Arabic and Hebrew (newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV) both governmental and private. This course also sheds light on the nature of the Israeli media and its internal and external propaganda methods.

25302   Communication & New Media

This course concentrates on the concept of communication and its principles especially the practical and functional aspects of electronic media and its basics. This will be studied in the context of new media such as the internet radio and the interactive television. Besides, the course aims to introduce the students to the specifications and characteristics of the new media and the Arab and the international experience in this field

25332   Press Editing (1)

This course aims to train students on the basis of press interviews, commentary and article in their different theoretical and practical forms in terms of concept, sources, composition and interrelationships between these arts. Students are trained on identifying the idea, material gathering and composition. Moreover, student will be trained on analyzing and criticizing patterns of comments, interviews and articles published in newspapers and magazines.

25333   Press Editing (2)

This course aims to give students a clear detailed background about the concepts of both written investigations and reports, their various arts, in addition to train students on the stages of data gathering and formulation according to professional dependable journalistic styles of investigations and reports.

25334   Journalistic Typography

This course deals with the design concepts, theories, elements, and cognitive visual and aesthetic variables that control it. The typographic elements, their functions and uses, the newspaper artistic typographical styles with reference to the differences between the typography of the standard and tabloid newspapers and magazines, and the exposure to modern techniques in design, photography and photo processing by using the related computer programs. The training includes designing the main pages in newspapers and magazines. 

25335   Business and Economy press

This course is a study and a practice to cover the financial and economic affairs in modern journalism. It will focus on the specialized press in finance and economics and study the publications issued by public or private institutions in the field of economy, investment, stock and all affairs related to the economy, free business and market

25339   Investigation and Reporting

This course aims to train student on the mechanism of the production of radio and television investigations and reports and evaluating various patterns of radio and TV investigations and reports. The concentration, in this course, will be on the applied practices of the complete preparing stages from the idea to the PTC.  There will be analysis and evaluation of different models of television and radio reports, with emphasis on practical applications. In Addition, the course will introduce the student with the steps of preparing the investigation, its ethics and devices taking into consideration the law measurements which guarantee its success. 

25345   Computer Montage and Mixage

This course aims to introduce the student with the basic steps of video and audio montage, recognizing the up –date used montage software and its devices, in addition to the intensive practical training through carrying out projects and learning the ethics of Audio and Video Montage.

25346   Program preparing / Non- news Scripts writing

This course intends to introduce rules for radio and television writing, the accompanying writing to audio and video material, identify the basic principles of writing for both audio and video through the preparation of cultural program text, entertainment and drama, public programs, specialized programs and documentaries

25347  Art of Mixage and Radio Directing

This course aims to introduce students to the techniques for processing human voice, sound effects, and music in terms of recordings, composition and mixing with radio material, in addition to studying the creating of sound impressions: amplification, resonance, echo…. It also illustrates the technical aspects of radio programs directing and ways and methods of directing

25348   Radio and TV Drama

This course introduces the dramatic arts of the human life in its various types, in addition to the use of dramatic structure in radio and TV production with concentration on the study of aesthetics of drama, and the ways of implementing it whatever tragedy, melodrama, comedy or the historical drama. Student trains on criticizing and analyzing some dramatic works and producing short radio and TV Drama

25354   Media Ethics and Legislations

This course deals with the laws and ethics of media work for professional, responsible and honest media performance by understanding the laws and ethical dimensions of journalistic work in the society.  Also, the course insights into the context of norms, ethics and morals conducted in the society. This course also considers the different laws and regulations that govern the media work. It also reviews the codes of ethics and moral obligations that restrict the work of the communicator so as not to deviate from the correct frame of the profession, the credibility of media, news evaluation. Direct and indirect distortion of the media materials, the relationships between media and the existing authority, the position of media towards the community's concerns and issues, the right to obtain news and information, the protection of news sources, the governmental influence on the media and the impact of the communicator.

25364   English for Media (2)

This course is a continuation to the English for Mass Media (1). It aims to develop the four language skills used in press and media with emphasis on the writing skill. Students introduce with the rules of press writing, its methodology. It includes writing, breaking news, headlines, interviews, broadcast news (news for radio and TV) and writing journalistic reports.

25365   Art of Recitation and Presentation

This course enables the student to have the essential skills of the successful broadcaster or presenter in terms of composition, performance, recitation and conducting or controlling what he or she presents to the listeners and viewers. Students train on the TV presentation and dealing with the TV Camera and the microphones indoor and outdoor. The course also explains the difference between the TV presentation and the rhetoric presentation. Interview, types of interviews, arts of interviews, questions formulation, the interviewer in the interview and the spontaneity and agility in conducting the interview or the dialogue.

25417   Contemporary Media Issues

This course takes the form of seminars. Its vocabulary is designed in accordance to the developments in the preceding semester. The department board determines the contemporary issue or issues, which form the content of the course, and the faculty member who will teach the course

25464   Media And Environment

The course introduced the students with the environmental culture and focus on the environmental awareness. Through practice student will be trained on how to use media to gain the attention of the public opinion towards the protecting of environment and emphasizing and creating the correct environmental attitude. In addition to what mentioned above, the student will learn how to employ the different media arts in treating the environmental problems and issues.    

25418   Media Campaigns

This course aims to introduce the students to the methods of successful media campaigns organizing in the political, economic, social, and environmental fields …etc from the concept, planning and providing the resources up to the carrying out

25421   Arts of Advertising

This course aims to introduce the student with the advertisement and its media principles, the types of advertisements, the advertisement campaigns, ethics of advertisement, the artistic aspects of designing and producing advertisements, the basics of success, its impact on the services and the economics of the media institution. The course look forward to enable student to design and produce the different kinds of advertises

25442  Art of Montage and TV Directing

Students are introduced to the types of video editing (Montage); linear editing and non- linear editing, the techniques for the immediate and subsequent montage, where, when and how to move from one shot to another, methods of editing: cut, dissolve, fade in, fade out, mix and wipe, the sequence of shots, types of scenes: the sequence scenes and assembly scenes, the TV directing, the importance of director and his role in the team work. The course also introduces the student theoretically and practically with the artistic works in terms of decoration, lighting, clothes, make up and the relationship between directing and script. In addition to this, the student learns the directing techniques, the relation between Montage and directing, rhyming and unity aspects and ways of dealing or treating the scenario or script

25443   Radio and TV News

This course aims at introducing the students with the principles of news writing and editing for radio and TV. Students train on preparing the news scripts for news, radio and TV reports, news editing. Also, students train on preparing and implementing radio and TV newscasts. The course includes practical applications on the art of news

25452   Documentary Programs

This course deals with the methodology of the documentaries' production starting with the idea or problem up to the post production and final implementation. The student studies the different ways of initial or primary search, the data or material collection, conducting dialogues or interviews, and the installation of documentary material and information in terms of sound, image, music, decoration and directing up to producing a short documentary film

25462   Applied Linguistics for Media

This course aims to improve the performance level of students in the basics of Arabic grammar and to develop their language skills. Since language is a mean of communication, this course concentrates on the practical rules that the learner needs to express himself in a perfect language: written and spoken, and to avoid the common mistakes and grammatical abuses in language, the language structure employed in the media; vocabulary, phrases, style, phrases combination, sign language, the relation between signals and speech, the word combined with movement and the beauty of expression

25463   Introduction to Theoretical Arts

History of the theatre, types of theatre, the objectives of each type, the types of plays, the importance of theatre socially and culturally, the functions of theatre, theatre elements: script, actor, decoration, clothes, lighting, director. In addition to this, the course tends to study various patterns to recognize the basic elements of theater.

25442   Arts of Public Relations

This course aims to give student a clear and detailed background about the public relations in terms of concept, origin, evolution, different intros to its studies, goals, ethics, importance for the contemporary institutions and the essential or basic components of practicing public relations. The course also deals with the methods and means of communication for the public relations, planning for its activities, its various external and internal defensive and offensive programs, preparing reports, organizing and managing conferences and specialized media forums and other programs that aim to improve the picture of the institution or foundation

25404   Applications in Press Editing

The course aims to enable the student to practice all genres o journalistic editing, so this course is an advanced practice to what the students have learned in the previous editing courses to consolidate and develop the student's basic skills and techniques in the field of news and analytical writing.

25492   Applications in Radio and TV Production

This course aims to enable the students to employ the skills they have got in the previous courses to prepare and produce radio and TV materials (reports, investigations, talk show and documentaries).  

25493   Seminar

This course aims to enable student to prepare material selected for production after the survey and analysis of various elements and angles, understand and accommodate the multiple meanings and dimensions of this material. Producing the material in a technical creative meaningful framework taking into consideration the theoretical and practical parts of the topic ( the practical part is a completion and support for the theoretical part) in order to develop and support what the student has learned of basic principles, techniques and arts during the years of study.

25494   Field Training

As a pre-requisite for graduation, each student have to finish a 60 credit hours of field training, as minimum, in one of the media institutions


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