College of Agriculture students carry out field tour to Battir
08-01-23 |
Hebron University hosts Secretary-General of Wrestling Federation and Secretary-General of Arab-Canadian Wrestling Federation
08-01-23 |
Hebron University Research Journal ranked ninth in the Arab world according to ARCIF classification
27-12-22 |
Hebron University participates in international Programming Competition ACM at Arab and African universities' level
27-12-22 |
Master Students Visit National Pharmaceutical & Herbs Co
27-12-22 |
College of Agriculture participates in course on sustainable land management in Netherlands
27-12-22 |
College of Professions and Applied Sciences organizes scientific visit to Rawabi and Palestinian Land and Water Settlement Commission / Ramallah
27-12-22 |
Sharia College participates in workshop with ICRC in Jordan
26-12-22 |
College of Science and Technology participates in conference Food Sovereignty and Youth and Women's Challenges in Palestine""
26-12-22 |
College of Professions and Applied Sciences holds workshop in cooperation with Directorate of Education "Spending quality time with children"
26-12-22 |