Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Throughout its short history, Hebron University has endured military occupation, closure, unsteady financial resources, repeated disruptions and the difficulty of maintaining staff and students throughout periods of enforced closure at the hands of the Israelis, as well as the economic hardships faced by any developing region. Despite these challenges, the Hebron University has persevered and marched valiantly forward. The University's survival and success demonstrate the commitment of its staff, students, management, and community supporters. It is hard to believe that the University has been able to grow and develop in the face of so many challenges. However, looking back at the University's short history, there is clearly a reason to take pride in the progress made. In 1971, the Hebron University was a small faculty serving a total of 43 students. Today, Hebron University provides education for over 8,700 students in 11 faculties.
Hebron University continues to make its educational programs relevant to social realities and needs. Its continued expansion and advancement reflect its commitment to its students and to the community. Living up to its promise that "No student will be deprived of education for financial reasons," HU has committed itself to financially assisting all underprivileged students and to working to solve the problems of discrimination, economic deprivation, and other forms of oppression. Also, HU maintains strong ties with the Palestinian community and with other universities. Support for the Hebron University comes from numerous Palestinian, Arab and international institutions and foundations, as well as from various individual donors. This support has enabled Hebron University to continuously expand and develop.
Our plans for the future are no less ambitious than those of the past:
The challenges of tomorrow will prove no less demanding than the challenges of yesterday, but for an institution forever committed to excellence, the course is never easy.